Malary Writes:
So....we found a beautiful toilet in the middle of a random field
while visiting a member. This doesn't need to go on the blog but I knew
you and daddy would appreciate it. Hahaha Love it. (Although she did say it wasn't blog worthy...I thought it was funny)
We walked out of a lesson this week feeling the happiest,
most loving, abundant spirit. It was a first lesson and he is truly the
Lord's miracle. It's amazing to leave from a lesson feeling like I did
nothing. That Spirit was the converter, testifier, and teacher. I LOVE
IT. This investigator is evidence that the Lord is preparing people and
placing them in our paths. We just need to trust in His promises. His
whole life the Lord has led him to this point to receive the restored
Sister F and I are having an awesome time
learning, growing in the light of the Lord, feelin' the Spirit,
teaching, finding, and rejoicing. I love being the Lord's servant
working in His vineyard! I love you and the family. I love my brothers
and sisters in the Lord. I trust in Him. I feel the prayers of everyone
and I'm so grateful.
Love you always,
Sister Greenwood
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Sister Greenwood and Sister L on exchanges in Pleasanton, TX. Malary says it is a beautiful place full of farms and wildlife. |
Sister Greenwood was able to see sister I (her first companion) at a transfer. They were happy to see one another :) |
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Yes, this is a random toilet....but Mal was right! It is still beautiful :) glad she found such a relaxing and gorgeous place to read! |
Malary's letter from 7/14/ 14
What do you have
planted in the garden? Pictures! I bet she had so much fun.(I told Mal that Audrey drove through Texas that week on the way to the ADGA Nationals in Kentucky). Texas is
awesome. She would totally fit in with all the hillbillies around here.
Pleasonton is where she needs to come see!! BeaUtiful. Tell Audrey I
miss her too! She'd better email me soon. I need a laugh. Her stuff
always cracks me up. Did Brian get my card? I can't believe he's 10!
Ashlyn wrote me about the lesson and said she loved it and cried too. I
wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This is where I'm supposed to be.
There's something extremely special and different about the TSAM.(Texas, San Antonio Mission)
President Slaughter is truly a man of God. He trusts us, loves us, and
teaches us so much. After every training or missionary meeting I feel
like my brain is going to explode from all the knowledge. I'm sure
Philmont was awesome. I want to hear about Joey's NYLT experience!!! I
can't believe he's in high school either! Holy grown up, Batman! Hi
Daddy! I'm so happy to hear about FHE and duty to God. It's so important
and I never fully realized it before. Tell the Elders hello and thanks
for loving my family! haha We are so lucky to have had amazing
missionaries. A lot of members around here (and in Cali) don't have
missionaries around all the time or hardly feed them. I love eating with
members. It's so fun and spiritually uplifting. Good luck with the FHE
activity. Investigators and less actives really just need soild loving
Sister Greenwood
So much has happened this past week. I've been in the
most spirit filled lessons. There is this elect young man getting
baptized July 26th.
He has an amazing story that I'll write after his baptism. The Spirit
just consumes him. And us! At one point he thanked us for teaching him
and blessing his life. IT hit me. I did nothing. It hit me that this is
truly the Lord's work. He shouldn't thank me. It's all the Lord's
timing. His work, His way, His love. It's so amazing. I've never felt
this kind of happiness before. It's a different happy and I love it. So
many amazing experiences are happening. I'm so grateful to be where the
Lord wants me. Thank you so much for your example and love. I testify to
people all the time about my family having the gospel, how blessed we
are, and the power of the priesthood in my home. Thank you. I love you
so much!! Give everyone hugs for me!
Something that really stood out to me this week was how
the Lord is really in the little details. We invited a member of the
branch to come to a lesson with someone we are teaching. The lesson went
well. Near the end, the member shared her testimony with us. It was so
intense. She had an amazing experience of basically feeling her Father
in Heaven rescue her from the darkness of the adversary. The Spirit was
so strong. It was exactly what he needed to hear too. Afterwards we get
into the car and the member tells us shes never shared that before but
felt she needed too. The Lord knows our hearts and how to help us.
On base Sunday, a graduate brought his new born baby
to church. It was the cutest thing ever. His wife had the baby while he
was in training. That weekend was the first time the baby and dad met.
He was beaming with joy. In our class for trainees investigating the
class, we taught the 10 commandments. We got to the last one; don't
covet. A trainee raised his hand and said he had a kind of deep concern.
He had just received a Red Cross notification saying his wife had
miscarried. He heard that baby cry in church and he told us he felt
jealous. He started to cry. He even told us what they had named the
baby. Mom, I've never felt my heart just break like that. But the best
part? Christ can heal all wounds. I am so grateful for the plan of
happiness, mercy, and salvation our Heavenly Father has. Sister
F testified that his baby was still his, that he lives, that
through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the restored power of Christ that
his family could be together forever. It was a powerful experience. I'm
so grateful for my knowledge of the plan of salvation, my testimony of
the restoration of Christ's church on the earth, and the healing power
of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Sister Greenwood
Hello my lovely mother! I knew it would be quite crazy in the Greenwood
life with fair and camps. Tell all the kids hi and I love them very
much. Sister F and I will be staying another six weeks here!
Yay! I heard David's farewell talk was amazing. I can't believe he's
leaving already. Tell the Friebe family hello for me and wish David
In studies this morning I read in Alma 37. I think it's
verses 14, 16-17. The Lord trusts us with His sacred truths. He trusts
us with the restored gospel, the priesthood, and amazing blessings from
covenants with him. He will always keep His promise. Always. I finished
reading the Book of Mormon about last week and started over again! This
time I am highlighting promises. There have been so many blessing this
week. I'm sending a bunch of pictures too. I know Jesus Christ is the
Savior of the world. I know with all my heart He is my Savior. I know
that the power of Christ is on the earth used by worthy men to blessing
God's children and to have a part in the work of salvation. I know that
God the Father and Jesus Christ chose Joseph Smith to be the prophet. I
know that I am loved by a saving love beyond anything I can imagine. I
feel little sneak peeks of heaven every day. Love you so much!
Sister Greenwood
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Brother and Sister Clark, full time senior missionaries in Mal's area. She absolutely loves these two! |
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Companions :) Sister G and Sister F |
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Beautiful young ladies :) |
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I love this girl!!! Sister Greenwood in a field of flowers! |
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Soldiers of Christ 2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. |
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Zone transfer picture! |
Hi Momma,
FUN!!! Fair looks the same. Sounds like the
family dominated! Go Greenwoods!! I love the pictures. There are
firework stands everywhere. Apparently they lift the firework ban for
the 4th. It's going to be crazy!!! Sister F is so great. She trains me
hard core. She truly is making me a better missionary. There are going
to be a lot of sisters coming in next transfer so I got to be ready just
in case I have to train. Our area is amazing. The Lord is truly in
every detail. The way we've been working with the branch on base is so
amazing. There are so many progressing and new investigators each week.
For the singles branch San Antonio Stake, the area is ready to harvest
but we just need to find them! We have been biking a LOT.
We are so busy. It starting to get really hot too.
People tell me just to wait. It's going to be so hot and humid. Whew...
Two experiences I want to share with you real quick. So there's this
trainee on base that is a member and he's been coming to the progressing
investigator class with a nonmember wingman. I've noticed a night and
day difference from the first week he came in to now. Before his countenance was dark and sad. Now, the Spirit is radiant in his
countenance. It's amazing to see the Spirit just shinning through him! I
can't even describe it well. He is graduating this week so we were
saying goodbye to everyone. I told him the change that I see and how
bright he was. He smiled hugely and handed me a letter saying Thank
you. After they left, Sister F and I read the letter. It made
my soul soar with joy. I can't even describe the feeling. The letter was
short and simple. He's changed. He's happy. I'm going to
keep that letter forever. The Savior knows us!!! The gospel of Jesus
Christ is real.
Another time this past week, we stopped by to see a
young single adult we hadn't met. His mom answered and he didn't live
there but she was an active member and let us in. Long story short, she
broke down crying about her challenging life and wayward children. She
confided in us. First she grabbed Sister F for a hug and cried.
Then she and I hugged and she sobbed into my shoulder. I've never had
someone cry into my shoulder like that before. She shared many spiritual
experiences with us. She is a strong woman of God. But it helped me see
how we can do exactly that to our Heavenly Father. We can cry into him
shoulder in prayer. He longs to wrap His loving, accepting arms around
us. We can feel, see, and know the Savior's love. Christ has already
gone through her pain, our pain, everyone's pain. It was a huge
testimony builder for me.
The Book of Mormon: Alma Chapter 5
"And again I ask, were the ba nds of death broken, and the c hains of hell which encircled them about, were they loosed? I say unto you, Yea, they were loosed, and their souls did e xpand, and they did sing redeeming love. And I say unto you
that they are saved."
"And now behold, I say unto yo u, my brethren, if ye have exp erienced a change of heart, an d if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I woul d ask, can ye feel so now?"
Yes! I feel it now.
Love always,
Sister Greenwood
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Some of her pictures are getting corny :) |
And that concludes my catch up session of Mal's blog!!!
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